Sunday, July 5, 2009

God Bless America, My Home Sweet Home...

I love the summer for the most part. Living in New England you learn that from November until April you are pretty much living in doors with all the snow and freezing weather, so you do as much as you can during the spring summer months. I try to keep us busy doing things out doors and exploring around outside so we can keep the indoor activities for those months we are locked in.

Around here lately that doesn't seem to be the case. For almost a month straight we have had rain every day. If it isn't raining Camdon and I try to get out, but everything is drenched that it doesn't make for a fun time and we just head back in. Staying in all the time is starting to wear on everyone. Looking at the same four walls and playing with the same toys day after day after day after day gets old REAL QUICK! My patience was running very low and Camdon's attitude was being fully affected by the weather (those 2 together don't mix very well).

Friday I took Camdon to the park in the morning and brought a towel along "just in case". I had to wipe down so much that the towel was dripping. I even had to go down the big slide on a towel to soak up the water on it. Typically when we go to the park I am forcing Camdon to leave after an extended period of time, but this time he was ready to leave about 15 minutes after getting there. Not so much fun! Friday night I finally was able to get out of the house for a bit by myself and it was much needed.

Saturday was July 4th and it was sunny (for the most part). My goal was to stay outside as long as possible since we have been couped up for so VERY long. Camdon and I kicked off the nice holiday weekend by going to the 4th of July Kids Day at Holman Stadium. It was honestly a little boring, but we met up with the Jen, babysitter, and her family so it wasn't too bad.

Camdon and Madison waiting in line for Madison's tattoo.

Camdon in one of the bounce houses.

Trying to win the prize by getting the ball in the hoop.

We then went to a BBQ at one of the guys I work with. He and his fiance were so nice to invite us to spend the day with them and their families. We had a blast eating and talking and just spending some relaxing time together. Camdon was in love because Alan has 2 dogs and he got to play with them for the whole time we were there.

We drove back home and met up with some friends to go to the fireworks Fire Trucks as Camdon calls them. Camdon hadn't been to fireworks since he was a little over 1 month old so this was pretty big. He got to spend the time outside with his friend K, stay up WAY PAST his bed time and see the amazing colors in the sky while momma held him close. Gosh what a great way to spend the night!

Today we started the day with some yard work (lawn mowing and weed pulling). It was a little warm once you were out there working so I filled up Camdon's pool in order for it to warm up hopefully. It was a little windy out, but the sun definitely kept us toasty. After I was done mowing I put on Camdon's swim suit so that he and my Grandma could sit in the pool while I just put my feet in there. The water was cold and Camdon was splashing and dumping water on Grandma, which was rather hysterical since she was screaming. It was rather entertaining.

The 2 "kids" playing nicely at first.....
On of the many cold buckets full of water dumped on Grandma....
I am thinking Grandma didn't like this.....but Camdon and I found it pretty funny.

I hope that everyone out there had a fun and safe 4th of July!


  1. Camdon is so precious! I am glad that y'all finally got to go outside! We haven't had rain in so long that we forgot what it looked like, until today. We had a nice afternoon rain shower.

    Hope you have a wonderful week!

  2. It sounds like you and Camdon had a good time together this weekend! We are getting a lot of rain here in Florida also.

  3. These pictures are too cute! Looks like they had fun!
