Monday, July 6, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to" to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

After almost a month straight of rain and being inside all the time looking at the same 4 walls and toys, I was not loosing my patience with everything. Because I was not loosing my patience with everything I did not beg ask my mother to watch Camdon so I could have a night to myself with no little helpers or anyone to bother me. I never loose my patience and never need a break so I wouldn't beg for some time off.

I did not end up getting some drinks and going to the billiard with my nephew on my night out. Which also did not end in me feeling hungover the next morning, I mean I am a parent I don't have time to be hungover and I definitely don't like the feeling.

On the 4th of July, I did not allow my 3 year old to stay up until almost 10:30 pm so he could watch the fireworks. That is just way past his bed time and he is on a schedule of not going to bed past 8 pm, especially when we had such a busy day at 4th of July festivities and such a little nap. I was not super excited when I looked at the clock and it said 8 am and we were just waking up the next morning (we are up at by 6 am every morning so why do I want to have a day out of routine?).

I did not laugh hysterically when Camdon poured a bucket of cold water on his grandma who was sitting in the pool. I also did not take pictures of him pouring the water on grandma's head and a close up of her face....who would do such a thing!?

I did not have another great weekend with my little man. What could have been a better way to spend another weekend than exploring with my pride and joy!


  1. I beg for nights off to sometimes! (even if its just to go exercise).

    Glad you had a great weekend!

  2. Lol know what you mean about bed times and fireworks daughter nearly had fit when she realized her baby would be up past bedtime if she was going to watch fireworks but after seeing her expressions the tension was soon diminished
