First he apparently decided that since the sun hasn't come out lately it must be winter, because he put on the winter hat we use for dress up/snow people building in the winter.
He was then playing with a cardboard box. I asked what he was going to put it in the box and he told me he was going to put "stuff in there". So he went a grabbed a book and placed it in there. Camdon then proceeded to walk over to the side door, stopped and this is the conversation we had:
Camdon: I am going to put this in the garage.
Me: You are going to put that in the garage?
Camdon: Yup
Me: Buddy, we don't have a garage.
Camdon: Why?
Really, what am I suppose to say to that? Where does he come up with these things? He makes me laugh.
This was the most recent thing this evening that he did to make me just shake my head and laugh.
During one of the nasty ice storms we had this past winter, a huge section of the tree in the neighbors yard split off.
Ever since the tree split Camdon has been telling us that the tree has a "boo boo". Today he was looking out the back window and told us, grandma and I, that the tree "has a boo boo and needs a bandaid". I responded with "that is going to be one big bandaid, not sure they sell them that big buddy".
After Grandma got back from doing her errands, she told Camdon she had something for was a box of Winnie the Pooh and Friends bandaids. Camdon's first comment was that the tree needed a bandaid......UHHHHHH sorry budy but the tree isn't ours and Mr Ed (the neighbor who is a mean neighbor) probably wouldn't like us in his yard. Well Camdon didn't let that stop him, he kept saying the tree needed a bandaid so Grandma went outside with him to the tree.
I love the creative mind Camdon has. I am proud of the love he has in his heart. I am delighted by the humor that he has, even though he isn't trying to be funny. He cracks me up and I wouldn't want it any other way.
Thanks buddy for being just you!
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