Thursday, June 4, 2009

It may be tough, but in the end it is all worth it!

I know we all have heard and sometimes use the say "Time flies when your having fun", but I can't really believe how fast time has flown the past 3 years.

For 3 years I have been a single mom, by choice, but yet a single mom. For 3 years I have watched my son learn and discover everything he possibly could. For 3 years I have never said "I can't wait until Camdon can (fill in the blank)". I have never wanted to push my child to do anything and have never wanted to rush one milestone to get to the next....but let me tell you this week I am ready to move onto the next thing. If I hear "I do it myself" 1 more time I am going to scream. "I do it" is now the phrase we use when getting dressed, changing clothes, putting in a movie, turning something on, getting food/drinks, etc. "I do it" and I will cry and whine when it doesn't work and will refuse to let you help me.

I love my son and I wouldn't for the life of me turn back time and change any decision I have made for him. He is my pride and joy, he is my rock, he is what keeps me going on a daily basis. My son is my best friend and bearer of unconditional love. I am not saying it hasn't been fact it has been the opposite. Being a parent is a daily challenge but being a single parent who works 40+ hours a week is even more of a challenge. Even though I am challenged every day, I am rewarded even more by the smile, the hug, the kiss, the ability to spend time together and most of all the ability to watch something brand new being learned.

I love you Camdon. I am proud of who you have become in these 3 years and I am very much appreciative of what you have taught your mama.

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