Camdon is well on his way in the potty training world. I am so proud of my little guy! It is such a great thing to watch him get so excited and proud of himself every time he
pee's in the potty. It is such an accomplishment for a 3 year old (heck it is an accomplishment for a single mom of a boy) to learn to pee standing up.
Camdon is regularly going pee in the potty,
we are still working on the pooping part (they say most kids are scared to sit and poop, which is the case in this house). He is staying dry in his Pull Ups for the day (I always said I would never use Pull Ups, but I have to say I am glad I am and probably wouldn't of if I didn't have 2 Target bags full of them). We are completely done with diapers (only babies use them ya know,
hahaha) and the little undies (cars, sports themed, plain white ones and another
theme'd kind...they were a gift) are washed and in his drawer ready to be used. We tried them when he first started the potty training "thing" but stopped because I didn't want to keep doing laundry with all the accidents at first. Since
Camdon is staying dry so much I may start to reintroduce them in hopes that it helps him to continue to be accident free. I can't believe my baby is going to be wearing big boy undies soon.
Camdon IS going pee in the potty, but he still hasn't gotten the sense of when he has to go. He isn't asking to go on a regular basis and when he does ask he needs to go
NOW that minute. I have said all along that this is a work in progress, slow and steady wins the race. We are getting there and we will keep chugging along. Just like the little train going up the hill,
Camdon and I have to keep saying "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can" and one day he is going to look at me and say "I did it" just like he does now when he
pee's in the potty.
I was so proud of my son tonight. After I picked him up from daycare, we went to Target to return the box of diapers I had and picked up some stickers for his sticker chart. We then went to
McD's since he wanted "chicken" (I wanted
Panera but he wasn't going for the
pbj sandwich) and then off to the softball game for the guys at my office. Once we got to the softball game I kept asking him if he needed to go potty and he kept saying NO. I figured that by the time we got home he would be soaked.....and was pleasantly surprised that he was COMPLETELY DRY! He went from 4pm until 7:30 pm.....
Last night was another stand on the top of the world and yell to everyone moment.....I had
Camdon go potty before he went to bed, 8pm, and when he woke up at 6 am this morning he was bone dry.......YA! I had him go before he got dressed and he was like a never ending water fall....but after he finished, he was so proud of him (and so was I). I can't wait to see what tomorrow morning holds for us....hopefully another proud boy (and Mama).
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