Friday, May 1, 2009

For the past week we have been hearing about this Pig Flu that is hitting so many people and is just moving across the Country. Is it really just a flu that is getting hyped up too much? Should we all just live in a bubble to protect ourselves and others? Can't people just be cautious on washing thier hands, handling food properly, covering when coughing/sneezing?

I am suppose to be going on a business trip in exactly 2 weeks from today. Not only am I going but my son and my mother are to travel with me. Do I go? Do I reschedule? I don't know what the right decisison is and I don't want to risk getting my family sick or worse dying from this epidemic.

I am torn......It isn't like I would be losing money since the tickets would just turn into a credit and could be used within the year. I need to decide soon since I am going to be busy with little man's bday party for the next week and will be preoccupied.

What to do, what to do?

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